Here are my 10 favorite paraphrased notes from the priesthood session.
Elder L. Tom Perry: Doctrine is to the Church as a battery is to a cell phone: without it, the Church is useless.
Bishop Gerard Causse: Before you told me your name, I knew what you were called: My brother.
Elder Randy D. Funk: To be a successful missionary, you must be humble, obedient, and in tune with the promptings of the spirit.
Elder Randy D. Funk: Think of the good that comes from broken things: ground is broken to grow wheat, wheat is broken to make bread, bread is broken for the sacrament, of which we partake with broken hearts as we offer our souls to God.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: We don't become champions without making mistakes. Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble, but by the number of times we rise up.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Worldly sorrow leads us to become discouraged and want to give up. Godly sorrow leads to conversion and a change of heart.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Rise up. Your destiny is a glorious one.
President Henry B. Eyring: A parable for overloaded priesthood holders: the Good Samaritan--just remember you are the Samaritan, not the priest or the Levite who passed by.
President Henry B. Eyring: Only the Lord can bind up spiritual wounds, but He sends us to rescue His children and bring them to Him.
President Thomas S. Monson: Ours is the great privilege to brighten, to touch, to save those souls entrusted to our care.
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