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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Uphold Marriage as a Sacred Union

Yesterday Senator Harry Reid indicated that he agreed that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, but he stated that he did not think such a restriction should receive the strength of a Constitutional amendment. I disagree.

As the fundamental unit of societal organization, the family merits all the protection we can offer it. If the family structure is weakened, society is weakened and the entire fabric of our nation is strained. We see such strains all around us resulting from divorce, neglected children, sexual promiscuity, and unwed parents. Increasingly our society is devaluing families, but it is doing so at its own peril.

Passing the marriage amendment will send a clear message that our nation values traditional families and sees them as essential to the formation of a strong community. It will not only prevent harmful contortions of familial definitions, but it will also make the institution of marriage more prominent and more sacred. It will help hold marriage up as an ideal to which we should all aspire, a prestigious union that is not subject to individual whim or cultural trends but that must be entered into in accordance with specific guidelines and with careful thought and consideration. This amendment will serve to shore up traditional marriage and family and place these units of society on the pillar they deserve—as a model for citizens of our nation to follow.

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