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Thursday, May 22, 2008

She's Gone...

So this evening, I pull into the driveway and see my neighbor and two of his friends on his porch with guitars. These are good kids (two are in my deacons quorum), but I didn't know they were musical. So I pop over to chat.

They're 13-year-old macho guys, so of course they get all awkward about it when I walk up. But after a minute, they loosen up. They call themselves Crevice ("That was Nate's idea," says Diggy), and they've got their first song on YouTube. They are now working on their second song, "Waiting for You."

This one here is called "She's Gone." My favorite lines:

"From the first day that I saw you,
I thought we would click,
but I know I was wrong,
cuz now we are split."

"It's to late,
she's already gone
that's why we
are playing this song."

Actually there are some fun lyrics here. And their second song has some pretty good words too. I'm impressed that they came up with the words and music all by themselves. Very cool.

But mostly as I'm standing in the neighbor's front yard and listening to three budding musicians, I'm thinking, "These guys are 13! Where do they get all this stuff about 'why did you leave me' and 'now there's no sun to brighten my day'?!?" Although thinking about it more now, I remember being 13 and having some big crushes on girls who didn't return my fond feelings... and my crushes got crushed... and I wrote sappy things in my journal...

Anyway, fun kids. From left to right, they are Diggy, Brian (my neighbor), and Nate (also in my ward). My new favorite band.